Reserve Bank of India on Thursday said 15 large NBFCs, including LIC Housing Finance, Bajaj Finance, Shriram Finance and Tata Sons, will be subject to enhanced regulatory requirements. Photograph:......
Kapoor is already facing an ED criminal case for receiving alleged kickbacks, through companies purportedly controlled by his family, for going slow on bad loans extended by his bank to some big......
Indiabulls Housing Finance Limited acknowledged the development in a clarification to the Bombay Stock Exchange. The Income Tax department on Wednesday conducted multiple searches on the premises......
The agency suspects that the discounted transaction for the 1.2 acre-bungalow on Amrita Shergill Marg was a gratification to Kapoor through the company Bliss Abode Pvt Ltd in return for......
India Inc raised $2.78 billion from overseas markets in October this year, up 44 per cent from a year ago, according to the Reserve Bank data released on Friday. Domestic firms had raised......