The Sensex opened with a positive gap of 67 points at 16,796. After advacing to a high of 16,844, the index slipped into the red to 16,668 - down 176 points from the day's high. The Sensex was......
The Sensex on Tuesday opened 24 points higher at 15,691. Despite yesterday's fall the index today exhibited strength in the morning trades owing to firm cues from the Asian markets and the good......
Following Tuesday's 250-points bounce back, the BSE benchmark index, the Sensex, opened 44 points higher at 15,079, and soon touched a high of 15,097. The index, however, could not hold gains as......
The Sensex opened with a negative gap of 128 points at 14,518. After a touching a high of 14,584, the index slipped deeper into red, amid lacklustre movement, to a low of 14,369 - down 277 points......
The Sensex on Tuesday opened up 45 points at 14,831. It surged to a high of 14,907 in early trades. However, the index slipped into red within the first hour of trade. The index thereafter,......