With over Rs 38,000 crore (Rs 380 billion) in debt and a mere 6.6 per cent of the telecom market's revenue at the end of 2012, Anil Ambani-controlled Reliance Communications has been struggling to......
Reliance Communications is negotiating with Bharti Airtel for an alliance to share infrastructure all across the country. The telecom company is also in talks with Hutchison-Essar and Idea Cellular......
At the time of its listing in 2007, Idea Cellular’s market worth was a sixth of industry bellwether Bharti Airtel’s and a fourth of Reliance Communication’s. Just six years......
Idea Cellular has gone off the beaten track in its 3G growth strategy. While peers like Bharti Airtel, Vodafone and Reliance Communications launched their services in metros before going to......
Telecom operators, industry body Cellular Operators Association of India (COAI) and Association of Unified Telcom Service Providers of India (AUSPI) have opposed the proposal to compensate......