Adani Group on Friday raised Rs 4,850 crore from the sale of 13.5 per cent of its stake in Fortune oil maker Adani Wilmar as part of a strategy to exit non-core activities to focus on main......
Reliance Industries Ltd, India's most valuable company, is back on a growth path after six months of challenges as it posted better than expected earnings in the December quarter, brokerages said.......
ICICI Venture, which owns 23 per cent of troubled Subhiksha Trading Services, has reiterated that it has exercised the right to withdraw its nominee from the board of the retailer and also informed......
Dr Reddy's Laboratories on wednesday announced setting up of a drug development company, Perlecan Pharma, with private equity participation from ICICI Venture Capital and Citigroup Venture Capital......
A group of 69 non-resident Indian investors said on Tuesday they had sued ICICI Venture at the Supreme Court in Mauritius seeking to obtain $103 million in damages over alleged losses on their......
'Bottomline, hairline and waistline -- you have to watch them always.' IMAGE: Ajay Bijli, Chairman and Managing Director, PVR Ltd. Illustrations: Dominic Xavier/ "Let's film him here.........