India has named private banker K.V. Kamath as the first head of a new development bank being set up by the BRICS group of emerging market economies, Finance Secretary Rajiv Mehrishi told reporters......
Firm braces for another high-profile succession planning, with KV Kamath set to step down. Infosys, the country’s second largest information technology services company, will now have to find......
Following weeks of speculation, India's largest private sector lender, ICICI Bank has unveiled its new management team drawing upon its own talent pool. Thus, Executive Director V Vaidyanathan......
ICICI Bankon Tuesdayrestructured its brass, elevating senior general manager V Vaidyanathan to the rank of executive director responsible for retail banking. Vaidyanathan will report to KV Kamath,......
ICICI Bank has raised the basic payscale of its wholetime directors so as to adhere to a Reserve Bank of India norm announced last year. ICICI Bank's Managing Director and CEO KV Kamath's basic pay......