Even before it faces the confidence vote in the Lok Sabha, the government will brief the International Atomic Energy Agency board of governors in Vienna on July 18 on the India-specific safeguards......
Seen by many as a rogue nuclear state, Pakistan ironically became the head of the governing body of the UN nuclear watchdog--International Atomic Energy Agency. In an election at a special one-day......
Lobbying for the Indo-US nuclear deal, India on Friday briefed the International Atomic Energy Agency Board of Governors and some Nuclear Suppliers Group countries on the safeguards agreement amid......
Ahead of the meeting of the International Atomic Energy Agency's Board of Governors, India will brief the 35 members of the key body of the United Nations atomic watchdog on the safeguards......
A crucial meeting of the board of governors of the International Atomic Energy Agency to build a consensus on India-specific safeguards accord essential to help implement Indo-US nuclear deal has......