Always avoid companies that promise assured returns that are too good to be true.Fraudulent companies provide counterfeit instruments. A recent trick: Issuance of preference shares under the......
Minority shareholders are disappointed after the Securities and Exchange Board of India (Sebi) increased the size of the mandatory open offer from 20 per cent to 26 per cent, ignoring the Achuthan......
Retail investors have much to cheer about in the new takeover code. The code proposes to give a chance to all retail investors to participate in open offers and suggests that they get the same......
The chocolate may turn a tad bitter for Cadbury India. In a clear victory for the chocolate maker's minority shareholders, Ernst & Young (E&Y)--the Bombay High Court-appointed valuer--has......
Few retail shareholders think it is important to attend annual general meetings (AGM). "Our participation does not matter, anyway," many lament. So, the cost of attending, including travel and......