Hindu right bodies on Thursday staged a massive protest at Chaura Maidan in Shimla in the vicinity of the Vidhan Sabha demanding demolition of an "illegal" mosque in Sanjauli. IMAGE: BJP......
Hindu groups held a protest march in Himachal Pradesh's Mandi on Friday demanding the demolition of an unauthorised portion of a mosque in the town and tried to force their way towards the......
An assistant professor of Allahabad University was on Sunday booked for allegedly making objectionable remarks on Lord Ram and Krishna. IMAGE: A view of the Allahabad University campus.......
Protesters demanding the demolition of an illegal portion of a mosque in Shimla's Sanjauli area clashed with security personnel on Wednesday, breaking barricades and pelting stones as police used......
The police have so far arrested four persons for allegedly assaulting a bangle seller for apparently using a 'fake' name while selling his goods to women in Govind Nagar of Indore in Madhya......
Swadeshi Jagran will be leading the delegation on a multi-city tour, expected to start on September 21. The week-long trip will include meetings with industry bodies and government agencies.......
A delegation of the swadeshi faction of the Sangh Parivar is expected to camp at Cancun in Mexico to get a first-hand account of the manner in which the Indian government will be conducting itself......
Another meeting of senior leaders of different constituents of the Sangh Parivar and the BJP is on the cards to evolve a mechanism to ensure better co-ordination and regular dialogue among them.The......
'Modi has not lacked courage in the political sphere. It is time he showed it in the economic sphere as well.''To do this, he needs to shed the simple-minded nostrums about economic growth and......
'With his envious academic record, extraordinary research calibre and unparalleled work experience, we can trust him to become the first Indian -- fully Indian, not one of those Americans of Indian......