Hyundai Motor India on Thursday said it had concluded a three-year wage agreement with its workforce, paving way for an increase in their salaries."The deal sets forth an attractive pay rise......
Reversing his predecessor's decision to set up a diesel engine facility in Chennai, Hyundai Motor India's new managing director and CEO Han-Woo Park on Wednesday said as of now there was no such......
The balloons, streamers, stars and flowers are all over. Workers ready cars for delivery -- there are number plates to screw in, wheels to polish and accessories to fit. Visitors glide in and......
Hyundai Motor Indiaplans to step up its export for the rest of the year by about eight per cent. Besides making India its global small car hub and increasing the R&D headcount by four fold, the......
Country's second largest carmaker Hyundailaunched on Tuesday a new 'i10', powered by a 1.2 litre Kappa engine, priced between Rs 3,99,000-Rs 5,43,000. "This engine is exclusively manufactured in......