Maharashtra Chief Minister Prithviraj Chavan on Thursday said Health Minister Suresh Shetty and Women and Child Welfare Minister Varsha Gaikwad were not allowed by the Election Commission to visit......
Taking serious note of female foeticide cases in the state, the Maharashtra government on Tuesday said it would seek the Centre's opinion for slapping charge of homicide on those involved in such......
The Maharashtra government would soon notify the appointment of two public prosecutors to take up the female foeticide cases of Beed district, Health Minister Suresh Shetty said on Monday.......
A Maharashtra government-appointed panel has recommended a hike in service charge to be levied by blood banks in the state. The panel was set up on the demand of blood bank directors. Last year, a......
Describing female foeticide as a "social crime", Maharashtra Government on Thursday said it wanted a ban on stand-alone and mobile sonography units, and had urged Centre to make requisite......