Food regulator FSSAI on Wednesday said that only 3.14 per cent or 196 of 6,245 samples of packaged food items contained trans-fat exceeding 2 per cent. Food Safety and Standards Authority of India......
Cardiac problems are on the rise among Indians at a time the community is already at risk, according to three top cardiologists in Long Island, New York. The reasons include food habits, lack of......
A study from the University of Sydney in Australia suggests that having a breakfast of white bread and sugar-rich cereals may make a person susceptible to diabetes, heart disease, and even cancer.......
The best way to protect your heart is to follow a healthy diet and lifestyle and eat less trans fats, say experts at the Health Essayists and Authors League and Diabetes Foundation (India).......
Centre for Development of Advanced Computing(Ministry of communications and information technology, Government of India)Post-graduate diploma in embedded systems and VLSI designVLSI moduleAdvanced......
US-based Abbott Laboratories has sued Sun Pharmaceutical Industries and Ranbaxy Laboratories in courts there for challenging the patents of its cholesterol-lowering drugs, Niaspan and TriCor,......
Hyderabad-based pharma company Hetero Drugs Ltd said on Monday that it had been chosen by the Clinton Research Foundation as one of the four Indian pharmaceutical companies that would supply......
The Phase-1 clinical trials of DRF 10945, a drug candidate discovered by Dr Reddy's Laboratories and targeted for the treatment of blood lipid dysfunction (dyslipidemia), has commenced in Canada.......
Unfazed by the two major setbacks it suffered during the last two years, Dr Reddy's Laboratories seems upbeat about its prospects on the drug discovery front.The company, which commenced Phase II......
Chairman of Dr Reddy's Laboratories, Kallam Anji Reddy, says the pharmaceutical major is poised to make a difference in drug discovery and produce blockbuster compounds.He was delivering a lecture......