IT major HCL Infosystems on Tuesday said it will launch a third generation (3G) tablet PC in August this year for around Rs 18,000."The code name of the product is Y2 and it will be launched in......
In the Sensex pack, Sun Pharma was the biggest gainer, rallying 4.48 per cent, followed by Bajaj Auto, Tata Motors, Coal India, Hero MotoCorp, Maruti and HCL Tech, rising up to 3.01 per cent.While,......
There are fashion trends, technology trends and even food trends. Why should fitness be any different? And the latest trend to hit gyms is kickboxing. Step into any gym of a certain class and......
Last week, in Las Vegas, Microsoft boss Bill Gates unveiled the Windows Vista, the new operating system that will replace the XP. Business Standard spoke to Rishi Srivastava, director, Windows......