Actor Salman Khan on Friday did not appear before a local court in Jodhpur in connection with the blackbuck poaching case. Khan's counsel moved two applications in the court, one for his exemption......
A local court in Jodhpur deferred the judgement in the Arms Act case against Bollywood actor Salman Khan related to the 1998 black buck poaching incident, saying four pending applications from the......
Actor Salman Khan has been held guilty in the 1998 blackbuck poaching case. However, co-accused Saif Ali Khan, Sonali Bendre, Neelam and Tabu have all been acquitted in the case. How many such......
The Rajasthan high court on Tuesday revised the charges against actor Salman Khan and his colleagues in the 14-year-old black buck killing case, paving the way for start of trial in the case.......
A local court in Jodhpur has stayed the sentence of one-year imprisonment awarded to actor Salman Khan in the black buck killing case.Acting District and Sessions Magistrate Yashpal Choudhury,......
Bollywood star Salman Khan and three other actors did not appear before a court here in connection with the 1998 blackbuck poaching case in Rajasthan. Salman's counsel Hastimal Saraswat said......
Bollywood star Salman Khan and three other actors were today summoned by a local court to appear before it on February 4 for chargeframing in the Black Buck poaching case, 14 years after the......