The Delhi High court on Monday sought response of the Central Bureau of Investigation on Indian Administrative Service officer Sanjiv Kumar's appeal against his conviction and 10-year jail term in......
Former Haryana Chief Minister Om Prakash Chautala, his MLA son Ajay Chautala and 53 others including two IAS officers were on Wednesday convicted on corruption and other charges by a Delhi court......
Former Haryana chief minister O P Chautala and five others including his son were on Thursday awarded a decade-long jail term in the teachers' recruitment scam case by the Delhi high court which......
Supreme Court judge U U Lalit on Monday recused himself from hearing a petition of former Haryana Chief Minister Om Prakash Chautala, who along with his son Ajay Singh Chautala and three others, is......
Former Haryana Chief Minister O P Chautala, convicted of illegally recruiting 3,206 teachers in the state, Thursday pleaded with a Delhi court for leniency in sentencing citing his ill health and......