Sanjeev Bhikchandani, chief executive of the, has said his organisation will not withdraw the 'controversial' advertisement that made an 11-year-old boy from Chandigarh, named Hari......
Remember Hari Sadu, the arrogant boss who is shown his place by a junior who has just landed another job? Well, he's back. This time, you don't see him but there are profanities scribbled on his......
Sweeping 11 awards across eight categories including Ad Agency of the Year at the 2006 Effie awards, Lowe Lintas emerged the most decorated winner. The awards were organised by the Ad Club of......
Remember Office Rule No. 1? The boss is always right. If the boss is wrong, refer to rule 1. It's just a smudge here and there, but the golden rule appears to be losing some of its sheen-- finally.......
Sometimes, it's best to walk into a movie hall with no expectations. And that is exactly what I recommend if the thought of watching Say Salaam India crosses your mind at some point soon. The film......