WhatsApp on Tuesday said the MyGov Corona Helpdesk on its platform will now allow users to locate their nearest vaccination centre and book their vaccine appointments. IMAGE: A beneficiary......
Live commerce, quick commerce, group buying, WhatsApp commerce, dukaantech have made their mark. Illustration: Dominic Xavier/Rediff.com Even as the pandemic led to a spike in digital......
How would you like it if you could get an answer to your query from the customer care service of your mobile company with the ease of texting over WhatsApp? Or, doesn’t it sound exciting to......
As many as 3.2 lakh shareholders attended the meeting on the newly-minted JioMeet platform from 550 cities in 48 countries. Photograph: ANI Photo Reliance Industries Ltd, the country's most......
All directors, key officials, and shareholder speakers will be visible and audible and thousands of shareholders, including those from the US, UK, Canada UAE, Japan, HongKong, Singapore,......
Bengaluru-based Healthtech start-up Mfine has rolled out a coronavirus assessment feature which enables virtual medical consultation to assess patients who have flu-like symptoms. Portea and Haptik......