The Odisha government on Sunday lifted a curfew during daytime and withdrew a ban on internet services in Sambalpur city which had recently witnessed violence during Hanuman Jayanti celebrations,......
Curfew was imposed on Sambalpur city and the Odisha government extended internet suspension by another 48 hours on Saturday after sporadic overnight violence and the death of a man under mysterious......
The Odisha government suspended internet services in Sambalpur district for 48 hours from 10 am of Thursday to check the spread of false rumours which could incite fresh rioting after a Hanuman......
Heavy security has been put in place for a procession to be taken out on the occasion of Hanuman Jayanti on Thursday in northwest Delhi's Jahangirpuri area, which was hit by communal violence last......
West Bengal Chief Minister Mamata Banerjee on Wednesday urged people to celebrate the Hanuman Jayanti festival peacefully, and said while religion is a personal choice, festivities were an occasion......