The Bombay high court on Friday upheld the death sentence of three Lashkar-e-Tayiba members, including a couple, in the 2003 twin Mumbai blasts that claimed 52 lives. A division bench of Justice A......
The Bombay High Court on Monday deferred its verdict on confirmation of death sentence to three people, including a woman, convicted in the 2003 Mumbai twin bomb blasts case that claimed 52 lives.......
It's judgment day for the families of 52 persons who lost their lives in the 2003 blasts at Gateway of India and Zaveri Bazaar in Mumbai. The Bombay High Court will deliver its verdict on the death......
Arguments on confirmation of death sentence awarded to three convicts in the 2003 Mumbai twin bomb blast case concluded on Saturday before the Bombay High Court. Division bench of Justices A M......
A special Prevention of Terrorism Act court in Mumbai on Tuesday deferred its ruling till August 6 on quantum of sentence to be awarded to three convicts in the 2003 serial bomb blasts case after......