The police in Prayagraj on Saturday filed their charge sheet against eight accused in the Umesh Pal murder case. IMAGE: A screen grab from the video of gunning down Umesh Pal, prime witness in the......
"Our stand had been vindicated and the truth has prevailed." That is how the family of reacted after an Australian court decided to revoke the visa of the Bangalore-born doctor Haneef Ahmed.......
Two top terrorists of Lashker-e-Toibawere on Sunday gunned down by security forces in a fierce gun-battle in Kishtwar district of Jammu and Kashmir. Acting on specific information about the......
The National Investigation Agency on Friday filed a charge sheet against 25 accused before a special court in New Delhi for a conspiracy to recruit "hybrid terrorists" for Pakistan-based terror......
One of the two doctors who were detained in Australia in connection with the failed terrorist plots in London and Scotland has been released.Australian Federal Police Commissioner Mick Keelty on......