Rajasthan Congress chief Govind Singh Dotasra on Saturday shared on Twitter a purported video clip of Bharatiya Janata Party's former MLA Gyan Dev Ahuja, who is allegedly seen admitting his......
The Rajasthan Bharatiya Janata Party has suspended 11 rebel leaders, including four ministers, for six years over their decision to contest elections against party candidates, a party spokesperson......
Amid repeated cases of alleged lynching by cow vigilantes in Rajasthan's Alwar, Bharatiya Janata Party MLA Gyan Dev Ahuja today said cow slaughtering is a bigger crime than terrorism as cows are......
Rajasthan’s ruling Bharatiya Janata Party MLA, Gyan Dev Ahuja, has warned that if anyone indulges in cow smuggling or slaughters a cow, he will be killed. Ahuja’s threat to cow......
Refuting the Bharatiya Janata Party's charge that they had indulged in anti-party activities, two MLAs loyal to Vasundhara Raje said on Wednesdaythat they had not indulged in any indiscipline that......