Indian national Gursewak Dhillon, accused in the death of three-year-old Gurshan Singh Channa, has reportedly told Australian police that he accidentally knocked the toddler down when he opened the......
Parents of an Indian toddler who was accidentally knocked down by a compatriot, have expressed unhappiness over the "mild" jail term given by an Australian court to their son's killer, who will......
A court here has adjourned the hearing of the case of Gursewak Dhillon, accused in the death of toddler Gurshan Singh Channa, till June 29. The decision came after the prosecution sought extra time......
The three-year-old Indian toddler, whose body was found near Melbourne days ago, may have been hurt in an accident before being put in a car boot and dumped by a part-time taxi driver, who has been......
The Victoria police denied making any further arrest in connection with the killing of Indian toddler Gurshan Singh Channa. On Sunday, it was speculated that another woman was likely to be charged......