The Punjab Police has ordered the withdrawal of security of 424 people, including former MLAs, Jathedars of two Takhts, heads of Deras, and police officers. Image only for representation.......
Police are on the lookout for two men suspected of planting a bomb in a backpack that caused an explosion at a gurdwara in Germany's western city of Essen with authorities announcing a reward of......
A Sikh priest was among three persons injured when an explosion ripped through a gurudwara in Germany's western city of Essen as India on Sudnay expressed "distress" at what is being deemed as a......
The police say the attack could be classified as a hate-crime. Ritu Jha reports An 82-year-old Sikh man was attacked on Sunday outside Gurdwara Nanaksar in Fresno, California which the police said......
A third suspect has been arrested in connection with the terror bombing of a gurdwara by suspected Islamist militants in Germany's western city of Essen that injured three persons including a Sikh......