His wards might be dreaming big ahead of the London Games but national boxing coach Gurbux Singh Sandhu sees no harm in it, saying the Indian pugilists are not "pompous" but have "self......
India's boxing coach Gurbux Singh Sandhu is contemplating retirement but will consult the Federation officials before taking a final decision. -London Olympics 2012 - Complete coverage "I had......
India's long-serving boxing coach Gurbux Singh Sandhu is realistic about his wards chances at this year's London Olympics and said he would happy if the pugilists of the country could repeat the......
Celebrated boxer Akhil Kumar tells Laxmi Negi he is enjoying his boxing and looking to give his best at the upcoming World Championships in Baku, the first qualifying tournament for the Olympics.......
Having obtained visa clearance, a ten-member Indian boxing team sets off for France on a training-cum-exposure tour on Saturday. The ten-day preparation tour comes ahead ofthe World Championships......