A Delhi court on Saturday granted bail to student activist Gulfisha Fatima in a case related to communal violence in north east Delhi in February. Additional Sessions Judge Amitabh Rawat......
'We wish Gulfisha gets bail before Eid, but whatever happens will be Allah's wish.' IMAGE: Security forces patrol a street in a riot-affected area in Delhi, February 26, 2020.The image has only......
A court in New Delhi on Monday has directed Tihar prison authorities to provide inmate telephone call facility for five minutes, thrice a week, to seven accused, including Sharjeel Imam and Umar......
Former Jawaharlal Nehru University student leader Umar Khalid hatched the conspiracy to fuel Delhi riots during United States President Donald Trump's visit in February this year to spread globally......
'You realised there was a struggle outside and now your struggle is to survive, live in prison, to retain your feelings, your humanity, and collectively continue doing inside what you were doing......