Lok Sabha TV Rajya Sabha TV The Lok Sabha will take up Goods and Services Tax Bill for discussion and passage on Wednesday. According to reports, eight hours have been......
Lok Sabha on Tuesday gave its approval to the central government to spend an additional Rs 1.48 lakh crore during the current financial year 2022-23, amid uproar by Opposition parties on the Adani......
‘Right to apprenticeship means that anyone below the age of 25 years with a diploma or other qualifications can demand an apprenticeship with a private, a public sector company or a......
Rajya Sabha was on Monday adjourned for the day amid uproar by opposition members over suspension of eight MPs, including Trinamool Congress leader Derek O'Brien and Sanjay Singh of Aam Aadmi......
Prime Minister Narendra Modi on Thursday asserted that the Centre is focused on ramping up top class infrastructure and outlined a commitment to further popularise Tamil while Chief Minister M K......
Any residual amount left in the Compensation Fund after five year compensation period shall be shared equally between the Centre and the states. The Centre will have a greater share of the......
Inching towards rolling out of GST, the GST Council on Saturday approved a law to compensate states for any loss of revenue from the implementation of the new national sales tax but deferred......
Maruti Suzuki India (MSIL) will hold discussions with the Centre and state governments on how the production of compressed biogas (CBG), which can be used in vehicles that run on compressed natural......
The Centre is likely to introduce the Central GST and integrated GST bills in late November or early December in the ongoing session in the form of money Bills. The Centre has circulated the draft......
Fresh plans of privatisation or divestment in central public sector enterprises and public sector banks might take a back seat this financial year because these may require a large consensus among......