Delhi Police on Friday night arrested the brother of former Haryana minister Gopal Kanda, who is accused of abetting the suicide of his former employee Geetika Sharma, for protecting him. "We have......
Former Haryana Minister Gopal Kanda's legal woes are piling up with police registering a fresh case on the direction of a court for evading appearance in a 14-year-old cheque bounce case which he......
Absconding ex-Haryana minister Gopal Goyal Kanda's anticipatory bail plea in the Geetika Sharma suicide case was today dismissed by the Delhi high court on the ground that it has not been filed by......
On the run for the past ten days, controversial former Haryana Minister Gopal Kanda surrendered before the police early Saturday morning in connection with the suicide of his former employee......
'With his stature as a playwright and actor, Girish Karnad was one of the voices of modernity for not just Karnataka but the entire country.' IMAGE: Girish Karnad. Photograph: Rajesh......
Karthik's first lead role arrived with P C Sreeram's Vaanam Vasapadum, which was also the first digitally made film in India. His latest release is Priya's Kanda Naal Muthal. The long gap is only......