The Delhi high court on Tuesday directed X Corp and Google Inc to remove alleged objectionable social media posts against Indian Railway Personnel Service (IRPS) officer and Lok Sabha Speaker Om......
Google is also working with the Election Commission of India to enable people to easily discover critical voting information on its search platform -- like, how to register and how to vote -- in......
Pakistan has blocked Wikipedia, the online encyclopedia, for its failure to remove offensive or blasphemous material, the country's telecommunication authority said on Saturday. Image used only......
Pakistan on Tuesday lifted its ban on Wikipedia, two days after the country's media regulator suspended the services of the online encyclopedia for hurting Muslim sentiments by not removing......
Bengaluru Police have made it clear that there shall be no collection of images by Google Inc for its street-view services. Karnataka Home Minister R Ashok too has dashed off a letter to the Union......
Prime Minister Narendra Modi urged CEOs of US majors to take advantage of India's growth story as the country is making all efforts to become the third largest economy of the world in his third......
Self-driving cars could appear on roads by the end of this decade. The car stopped at stop signs. It glided around curves. It didn't lurch or jolt. The most remarkable thing about the drive was......
Google Inc's Android software is coming to cars, televisions and watches this year, as the Internet search giant races against Apple Inc and other tech companies to extend its business into a......
Google Inc is building cars that don't have steering wheels, accelerator pedals or brake pedals, in an ambitious expansion of the Internet company's efforts to develop self-driving cars. Click NEXT......
Four major tech companies, including Apple and Google, have agreed to pay a total of $324 million to settle a lawsuit accusing them of conspiring to hold down salaries in Silicon Valley, sources......
Google has placed a rainbow version of its logo on its search page, increasing pressure on President Vladimir Putin over Russia's "gay propaganda" law at the Sochi Winter Olympics. The page now......