Kannada actor Shuba Punja, who is back after a break, currently has six projects in hand. "All the offers that are coming my way these days are too good to resist. Each one will see me in a......
'Mirchi' Shiva became a name to reckon with after the hilarious comedy entertainer, Thamizh Padam. Though he made his presence felt in Venkat Prabhu's Chennai 28 and Saroja, it was Thamizh Padam, a......
There's one thing that Sharman Joshi does well. And that is playing a nice guy. But he dons a dark character in his new film, Allah Ke Bandey, which releases today. Fans wanting to know more......
Nisha Varma/Indianapolis: Straight out of a Sooraj Barjatya Film (right) ??? Well the name Prem I mean!! Well let me tell you one thing for all its flaws (Hero not starved to death , not parched to......