The man who tastes chocolates for a living has tasted over 2,200 chocolates from different countries in the last two years, says T E Narasimhan.Illustration: Dominic Xavier/ The last ime......
The numerous integration measures have led to savings in areas including supply chain, technology, inventory management, and marketing. Over the last one year, Spencer’s Retail has been......
The sale of Nature’s Basket, Godrej’s chain of food stores in west India, is the second exit by a big group in a year in the category The $4.5-billion Godrej group last week joined......
The Mahindra and Godrej groups, which have bought niche e-commerce companies in baby care and gourmet food, respectively, want to replicate their business model in physical stores. ......
Nature's Basket zeroes in on pushing joint ventures, focusing on private labels and re-entering Delhi. Godrej Nature’s Basket, one of the early brands to have entered the grocery and......
When Godrej Group Chairman Adi Godrej celebrated his 70th birthday two years ago, his brother and Godrej Agrovet chairman Nadir Godrej wrote a poem in his honour. It was a candid account of the man......