Declaring a price war against rival Maruti's Swift, Hyundai Motors India Ltdlaunched its new premium hatchback Getz Prime, starting from Rs 3,89,000."We are targeting to sell about 30,000 units of......
Hoping to turn the tables on Japanese rival Maruti Suzuki's Swift, Korean car major Hyundai will launch a new version of its premium hatchback Getz under a new name Getz Prime by the end of this......
The day I was driving this new Hyundai in the UK, the chancellor of the exchequer, Gordon Brown, was mulling doubling the excise duty on SUVs and sports cars, essentially gas-guzzlers. It was all......
Hyundai Motor India on Thursday reported 16.41 per cent growth in its total sales in September at 53,804 units, the highest ever monthly sales since the company first rolled out its car in India 11......
Car maker Maruti Suzuki India on Tuesday reported a 41.56 per cent jump in sales for August at 84,808 units. In the domestic market, Maruti sold 69,961 units from 54,113 units in August last year,......
India's tennis sensation and Hyundai Getz brand ambassador Sania Mirza poses for a picture at the launch of the new'Hyundai Getz Prime' in New Delhi on Monday. The new car will be sold in the......