General Motors India on Friday said it will hike prices of its entire range of vehicles by up to Rs 10,000 from next month in order to partially offset impact of rising input costs. "We plan to......
Auto giant General Motors said on Monday it is planning to enhance its vendor base and increase the number of dealer outlets in India amid rising sales and the company deciding to start......
US car maker General Motors said on Wednesday it will display six production and concept vehicles during the Auto Expo here next month, besides putting on display its soon-to-be-launched mini car......
Leveraging its early-mover advantage in the domestic electric car space, American automaker General Motors will look to sell at least 4,000 units annually of its 'green' vehicle, set to hit the......
While Mahindra & Mahindrahas taken a lead in development of electric vehiclesby buying the majority stake in Reva Electric Car Company, other car makers are also developing concept vehicles to......