Ahead of the Punjab assembly polls, former Army chief Gen Joginder Jaswant Singh on Tuesday joined the Bharatiya Janata Party in Chandigarh in the presence of the party leadership, including Union......
Former Army Chief General J J Singh (retired) on Saturday joined the ruling Shiromani Akali Dal and is set to take on Punjab Congress President Amarinder Singh from Patiala Urban seat in the......
General Joginder Jaswant Singh, a hero of anti-terrorist operations, on Monday became the first Sikh officer to don the mantle of chief of the army staff.A highly-decorated Maratha Light Infantry......
Newly appointed Army Chief, General Joginder Jaswant Singh, will visit Jammu and Kashmir on Friday to take stock of the security situation and counter insurgency operations.This is Gen Singh's......
Pakistan Foreign Minister Khurshid Mahmood Kasuri's remark that his country was 'very' close to a pact with India on the demilitarisation of Siachen has been met with caution by the Ministry of......