Gujarat Chief Minister Narendra Modi slammed Home Minister P C Chidambaram's "saffron terror" remarks and asked Prime Minister Manmohan Singh to seek an apology for them. Speaking at Garib Kalyan......
The Gujarat Congress on Saturday hit out at Chief Minister Narendra Modi for his remarks on Sonia Gandhi regarding the price rise issue. "Modi has no right to attack Sonia Gandhi, who is Congress......
Gujarat Chief Minister Narendra Modi on Thursday had a dig at UPA chairperson Sonia Gandhi on price rise saying he would now write a letter in Italian to draw Centre's attention towards the issue.......
Gujarat Parivartan Party President Keshubhai Patel on Wednesday said Gujarat Chief Minister Narendra should first make his expenses on foreign trips public before raising questions over expenditure......
'Whoever thought that building toilets and providing free rations to the poorest of poor Indians would give Modi a halo other political leaders would envy?' asks Sheela Bhatt. IMAGE: Bharatiya......
Guarat chief minister Narendra Modi, popularly called as 'CEO of Gujarat', has attempted an image makeover for being 'pro-poor', by organising Garib Kalyan Melas across the state even as the......