Calcutta High Court on Friday allowed holding of the Gangasagar Mela, which begins on January 8, strictly following the COVID-19 restrictions and ordered setting up of a committee which may......
A driver and seven passengers were injured, two of them seriously, when seven coaches of the Barauni Gwalior Mail jumped tracks and one of them was hit by Gangasagar Express near Samastipur in......
A 12-hour Bengal bandh called by the Bharatiya Janata Party to protest the hike in power tariff turned violent on Monday with supporters setting afire buses and clashing with the police, which used......
A large number of Biharis are unafraid to go to Mumbai despite the violence unleashed on north Indians by Maharashtra Navanirman Sena. "Scared ? Absolutely not," says Irshad, a resident of Patna......
Traffic movement is disrupted as a private bus is torched on the busy VIP Road connecting the Kolkata airport and bandh supporters put up a blockade. Three other private vehicles are damaged in......