At Rs 56,900, the Samsung handset sets the benchmark for Android phones, says Abhik Sen. Image: The S7 edge, with a 5.5-inch screen, is easy to use one-handed. Photographs, courtesy: Samsung......
Plans a high-voltage relaunch of Note7, multi-media campaign before new iPhone launch In a bid to counter the hype over the launch of Apple iPhone 7 and 7 Plus on October 7 in India, Samsung is......
Says that 'challenging business conditions' would remain in current quarter, even as it posted an operating profit of $5.05 billion for December quarter Tech giant Samsung Electronics warned of......
Analysts point to a pattern with Samsung gaining leadership position in the prime segment during Feb-Aug every year. Apple overtakes Sept onwards The fight for supremacy in the premium smartphone......
I am a true labourer; I earn that I eat, get that I wear; owe no man hate, envy no man's happiness; glad of other men's good, content with my harm. -- Shakespeare, As You Like It. We do not know......