HCL Technologies on Monday announced a special one-time bonus worth over Rs 700 crore for its employees, as the IT giant marked $10 billion (about Rs 72,800 crore) revenue milestone. The special......
Overall, Tata Steel becomes the seventh non-financial firm, including four oil PSUs to report quarterly revenues of Rs 50,000 crore. Tata Steel reported a higher-than-expected consolidated net......
Ebix said the acquisition of Yatra would lend itself to significant synergies and the emergence of EbixCash as India’s largest and most profitable travel services firm. Illustration: Dominic......
Punjab National Bank's net profit for last fiscal emerged higher at Rs 1,139.77 crore (Rs 11.40 billion) after it adopted the stringent accounting principle of the United States (US GAAP) as......
Starting its journey with a gross revenue of $5 million during its stock market debut on June 14, 1993, Infosys has reached dizzying heights, with a revenue of $10.93 billion in 2017-18 With......