Finance Minister P Chidambaram on Saturday said the fiscal deficit for 2012-13 will be better than 5.2 per cent as tax collection target of over Rs 10.38 lakh crore has been achieved.“As......
United States Secretary of State John Kerry has proposed a 16 per cent cut in the American aid to India, reflecting the transition from a traditional "donor-recipient" relationship to a "strategic......
The Pentagon has notified the Congress about its decision to reimburse $688 million to Pakistan, under Coalition Support Fund (CSF), which is cost of providing support for some 140,000 troops......
India is hesitant to implement all aspects of US and European Union sanctions against Iran, a Congressional report has said, attributing this to New Delhi's reliance on Tehran with regards to......
Banks do extensive investigation before declaring an account fraud; they owe it to us as they deal with our money.Why would they try to fix an innocent borrower? asks Tamal Bandyopadhyay.......
The cases under scanner include significant loan exposure of the bank to Videocon way back in 2012 and the alleged involvement of the Kochhar family in restructuring of that loan. Markets watchdog......
Second-tier NBFC stocks are trading at 24.4x their trailing earnings, which is nearly twice their 15-year average of 13.9x A sharp decline in share prices of non-banking finance companies (NBFCs)......
The Wadia Group-promoted budget carrier GoAir Chief Executive Giorgio De Roni has quit the carrier, citing health reasons, sources said. De Roni, an Italian national, had joined GoAir in 2011. "De......
India needs $800 billion (Rs 50 lakh crore) annually if the economy is to grow at 7 per cent, Financial Services Secretary Hasmukh Adia said on Monday. Noting that last year fund inflows......