The saffron party received Rs 460.78 crore while the Congress got Rs 186.04 crore. The Bharatiya Janata Party and the Congress together saw more than 77 per cent, or Rs 646.82 crore, of their total......
Headline growth was quite weak heading into the Covid period but averaged 6.4 per cent and 6.7 per cent in the five years between FY16 and FY20 for GVA and GDP respectively, points out Abhishek......
Whether nominal or real, India's investment rate needs to increase by 3 to 4 percentage points of GDP to support 8 per cent real growth, recommends Nikhil Gupta. Illustration: Dominic......
In FY24, the net income generated from Waqf properties fell to about Rs 1.26 crore from Rs 150 crore in FY20. Kindly note the image has been published only for representational purposes........
As the largest domestic producer of iron-ore, NMDC Ltd is expected to produce around 45 million tonnes (mt) of ore in FY24. Photograph: NMDC/LinkedIn Its 11MFY24 production is around 40.2 mt. In......
Corporate India is starting to step up its capital expenditure plans amid government incentives and signs of rising demand, company executives and analysts have indicated. Illustration: Uttam......