Finance Minister Arun Jaitley announced a cap of 49 per cent while presenting the Union Budget 2014-15 on Thursday. Munish Sharda, MD & CEO, Future Generali India Life Insurance shares his......
Deepak Sood, MD & CEO, Future Generali India Life Insurance Co, says:i) Encourage domestic savings by providing tax incentives for investment in insurance and pension schemesii) Increase in present......
After developing bancassurance channels, which banks use to sell insurance products, the latest buzzword among insurance companies is "shopassurance" - selling insurance through supermarkets and......
Life insurance premium rates are likely to drop over the next few months owing to longer life expectancy, with a new mortality and morbidity table expected to be in place by the fourth quarter of......
The regulatory changes brought in by the insurance regulator and the amendments proposed to the Insurance Act by the Centre may herald a new dawn for the sector in India. Photograph: Uttam......