The Bombay high court on Tuesday directed the Maharashtra government not to destroy gutka and pan masala packets seized by them pending hearing of petitions filed by several manufacturing companies......
FSSAI assured the court that all requirements under the Act shall be complied with fully and if any of the private labs make a mistake they would lose their NABL accreditation. The Delhi High Court......
Ignoring the internal warnings about the potential threat of bio-terrorism and general safety of consumers, the Food Safety and Standards Authority of India has decided to stop regulating......
In the Maggi ad, Amitabh Bachchan is only “playing” a part, whereas his daughter-in-law Aishwarya Rai is “endorsing” L’Oreal shampoo. (Mr Bachchan never says Maggi......
In a first for India, packaged food items may soon be recalled if found to be lacking seriously in safety standards, as the government is preparing draft guidelines, expected in a month, to deal......
India is the next great frontier for global retailers, a $500 billion market growing at 20 per cent a year. Hong-Kong entrepreneur Ramesh Tainwala spent 18 months operating branded clothing retail......