Research In Motion, the maker of BlackBerry, on Thursday launched its new smartphone, Bold 9900, which comes with a keyboard along with touch display and is priced at Rs 32,490. "We believe that......
The Canada-based Research In Motion on Tuesday launched a BlackBerry mobile phone priced at Rs 15,990 in India targetting young professionals and students. The handset, BlackBerry Curve 8520, would......
Research In Motion (RIM), the makers of the popular BlackBerry smartphones, on Wednesday launched a high-end model, BlackBerry Torch 9860 smartphone, priced at Rs 28,490, featuring the new......
The media invite for the launch of Research in Motion's (RIM's) tablet PC, PlayBook, was in the form of a boxing glove. The message - and we don't pick up signals wrong - was loud and clear:......
Leading designer, manufacturer and marketer of BlackBerry moblies, Research In Motion, has launched its latest smartphone version, BlackBerry Storm2, in India. The Canadian-smartphone maker's new......