Superstar Amitabh Bachchan has announced a partnership between his company AB Corp and Ronnie Screwvala's United TeleVision for various ventures in the entertainment sector."We have signed an MoU......
This year's much awaited Bollywood film Saawariya, with a mega budget of over Rs 50 crore (Rs 500 million), will be the first movie to be produced by a Hollywood studio. Co-production of Bollywood......
Getting to meet UTVchief executive officerRonnie Screwvala is quite a daunting task, and after fixing a lunch, Screwvala decides to cancel the appointment at the last minute. It's not difficult to......
Ronnie Screwvala's move to invest in different segments of the media industry has helped UTV sail through tough times. Ronnie Screwvala, the chairman and CEO of UTV Software Communications, opens......
On Thursday Fox Star Studios announced its decision to distribute Shah Rukh Khan's latest film My Name Is Khan, directed by Karan Johar. The deal is one of the biggest of our times......
The last time I interviewed Shah Rukh Khan was in New York where Fox Searchlight, the distributor of his film My Name Is Khan had organised an interview following a press conference. By that time......
Virginia Madsen has signed on to join Hilary Swank and Richard Gere in Mira Nair's Amelia Earhart biopic Amelia. Also Read: Mira Nair to direct Gere, Swank The film chronicles the rocky......
Sometimes, yes. We take a look. Every few years, a Hollywood or a British production company re-discovers India and thinks it is cool to set a film there -- a film that will show the exotic......
British import The Best Exotic Marigold Hotel expanded from 16 to 178 screens in North America for the weekend and grossed an impressive $2.7million, finding a place at number eight on the week's......