'How can the monument where the prime minister unfurls the flag on Independence Day, in a ceremony broadcast and telecast nationally, be maintained by a private entity?' asks Jyoti Punwani.......
Starbucks opened its coffee shop, ever, with locally sourced and roasted beans, in Mumbai. Rediff.com's Vaihayasi Pande Daniel and photographer Rajesh Karkera were present when the American......
Siddhartha's knack for value investment dates back to 1995 when he infused capital in Kshema Technologies, which was acquired by MphasiS. He also took an early exposure in Mindtree way back in......
After a Rs 800 million makeover, Bombay House reopened on July 29.The earlier dull interior with low technology has given way to a lot more colour and vibrancy, reports Shally Seth......