Tata Motors on Friday announced its partnership with Italy-based Fiat Auto Spa."Today is the start of the relationship of which I feel pleased and proud," Tata Motors chairman Ratan Tata said after......
The government has filed a case against Premier Automobiles Ltd in the Company Law Board, under Section 388 B of the Companies Act, 1956, for alleged unsatisfactory accounting of Rs 610 crore (Rs......
Tata Motors' three-year joint venture with Italy's Fiat Auto SpA will get a new lease of life, as the country's biggest vehicle maker plans to widen Fiat's product line and explore newer engine......
Cost cutting measures and improved exports of engines have helped the struggling Tata-Fiat joint venture to bring down its losses during FY2011, although production of cars remained low.The Rs......
Fiat India Automobiles Pvt Ltd,three-year-old joint venture company formed through the association of Tata Motors and Fiat Auto SpA, is facing rough weather, as it posted record losses last year.......
Ford Motor Co sued luxury automaker Ferrari on Wednesday for trademark infringement after Ferrari named its 2011 Formula 1 racing car the "F150." Ferrari's F150 logo bears striking resemblance to......