Sanjay Kumar (name changed) was on top of the world a few months ago. He had bought his house last November for Rs 50 lakh (Rs 5 million). Within months, he was being offered Rs 75 lakh (Rs 7.5......
Sharp recovery helped by easing in food inflation as well as strong Asian stocks, saw the markets ending in the green on Thursday.The Sensex, after a firm start dropped to a low of 19,616. The......
To get back equity-wary investors, fund houses and their portfolio management services (PMS) have started schemes that will regularly book profits. In these funds, mutual funds and PMS will realise......
Just two months ago, fixed home loan rates went to up to 14 per cent - the same rate HDFC was charging a decade ago in 1998, when there were only fixed rates. In the last couple of months, however,......
Gold exchange-traded funds are back in the limelight. After a dull three-month period, a sudden slump in the US stock market last week has investors flocking to buy gold. In the past one week......