West Bengal Chief Minister Mamata Banerjee has been named by Time magazine as one of the 100 most influential people of the world. Banerjee joins a club of "people who inspire us, entertain us,......
Sheryl Sandberg, Facebook Chief Operating Officer is scheduled to meet Prime Minister Narendra Modi this week. She is already in the country. Sandberg, one of the world’s most high-profile......
She is a role model for women across the world. A class topper, a passionate human being, an intelligent leader, a smart business executive, brilliant orator, and of course a doting mother - meet......
With the government using social media like never before, Prime Minister Narendra Modi told Facebook Chief Operating Officer Sheryl Sandberg that direct communication with people is critical for......
They nodded and laughed. The applause, too, was hearty. But few of the 200 women would have resolved any dilemmas they had walked into The Oberoi with to hear the chief operating officer of......
With over 100 million users and 900,000 small and medium businesses on board in India, the world's largest social networking site Facebook is in the process of monetising its business in India,......