The actor-director team of Dileep and Lal Jose has been instrumental in delivering several hit Malayalam films over the years. They are teaming up once again in Ezhu Sundara Rathrikal, which has......
Ezhu Sundara Rathrikal may have been an attempt to look at the fickleness of relationships in today’s times in a humourous way but it does not have the desired effect, writes Paresh C......
Director Lal Jose is teaming up with actor Dileep for the seventh time in Ezhu Sundara Rathrikal (Seven beautiful nights). Both were assistants under director Kamal before they made their mark in......
This year, there are three high-profile Christmas releases: Jeethu Joseph’s Drishyam (releasing today, December 19), Lal Jose’s Ezhu Sundara Rathrikal and Sathyan Anthikkad’s Oru......
Only about one in 10 Malayalam movies were decent ones, making it difficult to choose the five worst films of the year. There were some big budget buffoonery as usual, but they made money at the......