The country's largest car maker Maruti Suzuki India (MSI) is undertaking a one day-production cut at its Gurgaon plant on Saturday amid declining sales."There will be a one-day production......
Leading automakers, including Maruti Suzuki, Mahindra & Mahindra and Hero MotorCorp, posted only modest growth in sales in April as high fuel cost and interest rates dampened an otherwise positive......
The broader market outperformed the benchmark indices as focus shifted to value buying in mid-cap and small-cap shares after the sharp gains on Friday. The Sensex was down 31 points at 17,399 and......
The balloons, streamers, stars and flowers are all over. Workers ready cars for delivery -- there are number plates to screw in, wheels to polish and accessories to fit. Visitors glide in and......
The country's largest car maker, Maruti Suzuki India Ltd, on Wednesday reported a 22.63 per cent jump in its sales at 75,109 units in June against 61,247 units in the same month last year. Sales in......