The Kerala high court on Tuesday sought the Centre's response on a plea for compensation by the mother of a fisherman, who was aboard the St Antony fishing vessel, which was fired upon by two......
The Central government on Friday told the Supreme Court that it has deposited with the top court Rs 10 crore paid by the republic of Italy as compensation to the families of the two Kerala......
The Permanent Court of Arbitration in the Hague has upheld the conduct of the Indian authorities in the Enrica Lexie case in which two Italian marines were accused of killing two Indian fishermen......
The Supreme Court on Tuesday directed the closure of criminal proceedings in India against two Italian marines, accused of killing two fishermen off the Kerala coast in February 2012, and asked the......
India and Italy on Monday inked six pacts, including on boosting cooperation in the energy and trade sectors, after extensive talks between Prime Minister Narendra Modi and his Italian counterpart......