Indian Foreign Secretary Ranjan Mathai is expected to meet United States Secretary of State John Kerry during his scheduled visit to Washington on February 20 - 22. He will also hold foreign......
The first thing the new US Secretary of State, John F Kerry, did when Foreign Secretary Ranjan Mathai called on him February 21, was to offer his condolences and sympathies to the government and......
The US has termed as "watershed" and "courageous" the Indian government's decision to allow FDI in multi-brand retail, saying that the new reforms will send out the "right message" to global......
In an effort to enhance Indo-US economic relationship, a top American official is set to pay a six-day visit to India to highlight his country's support for broader regional economic cooperation......
The bilateral investment treaty being negotiated between India and the US will help provide strong rules on investor protection and effective means for resolving business disputes between the two......